Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Little Review Of What Happened

Hello there!
I'm sorry, I've been busy with school and I had to do lots of things.
I hope you will.
Anyway, I'm here with a resume of what actually happened in the past days.

Valentine's Day happened.
As a good and sweet girl I am I wanted to bake some cookies and bring them to my classmates to show them I actually don' hate them all. -I said not them all which means I actually can't stand some of them!-
But, you know nothing happens without a bad consequence. My beautiful and lovely dog, Milo, ate all the cookies before I could even taste them and get to know if they were good or not.
I got so angry with him, I've spent the whole afternoon baking and then he ate the cookies. Leaving me NOTHING to eat.
And when I don't eat at least one cookie I get angry. Badly.
This is what actually happened to me that day. Kind of boring, I know, but I didn't have a Valentine and then
I decided to make cookies -which is the answer of your saddest moments-

I went to London again and it was AMAZING. This time I was with my brother and my mom. I had so much fun I wasn't really happy to come back home. I was pretty depressed the day we came back here. I wasn't the only one though -my brother was sad too.-
Whatever. I finally ate a cupcake! It was delicious. I also ate a ginger biscuit and an amazing strawberry cheesecake. I LOVE sweets and stuff like that, even if I don't eat them often.
The first day I had an English breakfast and to be honest the only thing I liked of it was the bacon and the egg. I found it kind of weird having that stuff as my breakfast because I use to drink a cappuccino and eat some cereals with it and it's my usual breakfast. So when I had that breakfast I was pretty shocked and even if I didn't like some of the things in my dish I ate all of them.
We actually went there because of my mom's birthday and we stayed there for like three days or so. We went around town and my brother took me to King Cross St. Pancras where there is the famous platform 9/4 from the movie Harry Potter. I actually loved Harry Potter so my brother took me there.
The very next day we came back home I had to go to school so I let you imagine how happy I was to study after a three hour long flight.

London from the plane.
Beautiful uh?
I'm full of things to do, homework and stuff like that. I have to study every single day because every day I have a different test. Tomorrow is the only day I don't have nothing planned on my schedule, in fact I'm writing the post instead of studying because I don't have homework to do.
I hate school so much. Why can't I attend online classes?

Anyway, my French teacher signed my classmates and me for a co

ntest. We have to make a poster based on the environment. We are currently working on it but I can assure you we got an amazing and original idea. 

I'm proud of us.

A little reminder of my feelings for school and things related to it.
So, here it is the post. It's nothing special, I know. I'll try my best to make the next one even better than this one. Hard to believe in but I'm actually writing it already because it's a special post!

See ya!
