Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Ideas Of Job

Hello there!
It's me, Claudia.  Who else could be writing? Okay, let's talk about serious stuff -not so serious, but okay-
I've been thinking about this topic for a while, you know, but when I tried to write something, it was always awful. I hope the post I'm writing today is going to be better than the others.

So, let's start!

As the title says, I'm going to talk about *drums in the background* jobs!

CALM DOWN, I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT BORING STUFF -then why do you write on this blog?-

I want to talk about what I wanted to do and what I want to do in the future. Don't worry, it won't be that bad -Maybe-.

Let's list them!

At the age of four, the job I wanted to do was the princess obviously. I have pictures and memories that remind me of that.
Then I wanted to do the vet, but when I saw an injured cat -badly injured- I got sick and I suddenly changed my mind.

Princess Usagi Liar, liar | via Facebook

When I turned five, I wanted to become a cook but, since I was afraid of the oven, I decided it wasn't a good idea. Now I'm good at baking -this is what my friends told me- so I could possibly become a good cook. Who knows?

                                              Pancake | via Tumblr

At the age of six, I wanted to be a special princess: I wanted to be a mermaidprincesswhocouldflyandbecomeinvisiblewhenevershewants. I wrote that in my diary. I'm not lying. I remember I was completely into mermaids and superpowers and I still wanted to be a princess so I mixed them up and this is what came out. I was weird. -you are weird-
Fashionably Geek — Clothing and accessories for the well-dressed geek — Page 2
It is not me lol

At the age of eight, I wanted to become a famous dancer. I used to do classical dance and I liked it but this love didn't last for long.

At the age of ten, I wanted to be a painter and when I turned eleven I attended some classes about painting and stuff like that. I liked it a lot, but I wasn't good at it. Okay, I'm kidding. I was awesome. -How about no-
One of my beautiful paintings

Now for real. I could not make something that beautiful. I could draw something like .. this.


Back to the topic...

From twelve to thirteen years old, what I wanted to do was writing. I used to write lots of stories -I still do this while my Maths teacher talks- and my Italian teacher told me I was pretty good. I still have some of those stories and I have to admit that.... they suck. Okay, I seriously remember they were cooler than what they actually are. That's sad.
At the age of fourteen, after my high school choice, all I wanted to do was travelling. I thought I could be a journalist, but I changed my mind. 

I often change my mind.


You may think 'And now what do you want to do?' -or maybe you already closed the page, because you don't really care- Well, since I love to read books and stuff, I'd really love to become a publisher. It'd be fantastic.


Who knows? I could change my mind in a couple of weeks.

It's all for today, see you soon!

Question of the day: -I haven't done this thing for a while. I missed it- What about your ideas of job?



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