How are you? Hope you're fine
Anyway, as you surely noticed, the title says Happy Birthday to me. Yes, my birthday. I'M OLDER
It's not today, it's been almost two weeks ago -yep, I forgot to post and now I have to edit again-
I can't believe I'm already seventeen.. I actually don't know whether be sad because I'm growing older or happy because I'm growing older. That's confusing. -A little bit-
At first, I didn't know what I was going to do on that day. I was woken by my mom and my brother singing the 'happy birthday song' to me while I was still sleeping and my dog, uhm, I still don't know what he was actually doing on my bed.
In the morning I have done nothing, I've just cleaned the garden with my brother because we organized a little -very little- party and we listened to music. We did stuff we used to do other days. -Okay, cleaning the garden is not a thing we always do-
I had a lot of fun, because my brothers -the two of them-, my mother and three friends of mine were there. I liked that Birthday more than others, because, even if we were only six people, I enjoyed it -I hope they did-
As every birthday I had a cake, but this time I cooked it. It was the first cake ever I made without the help of my grandma, which explains why it was that bad.
Luckily I made cookies too and in a couple of minutes they were gone. Disappeared. From that I got that I'm better at doing cookies than cakes. I'll leave my grandmother doing that, only because I'm generous.
What about the presents? Well, I got a beautiful backpack -I really loved it-,headphones, a CD -Christina Perri 'Head Of Heart', I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm pretty sure it's amazing-, a book -Paper Town, John Green. Let's say I loved the book even if the end wasn't one of my favorites- and two necklaces and a bracelet.
I'm not talking about my birthday today -yayy we're not going to read about your stupid birthday!- *slaps the person who says it* My birthday is NOT stupid, and I was kidding, in fact I already told you what happens.
After this crazy talk with myself, let's talk about.. awkwardness. Yes, awkwardness. And, of course, I can't talk about awkwardness without talking about embarrassing moments, and if I have to be honest with you, there have been lots of them.
Let's start saying why I chose this topic.In seventeen years I've had lots of awkward and embarrassing moments. Most of them in the last two years. I'm such a lucky girl.
Since I can't remember every single moment of my life I'm going to tell you some of the worst of the last three years.
1) It was the first day of the first year of high school and I was in front of the school with my brother. We were waiting for the bell to ring so I could get in and know in which class I was. Before it happened, I bumped into a girl who was similar to a friend of mine and I said hello. Unfortunately she wasn't the girl I thought and I realized that after a few minutes I spent talking about my summer. She was literally looking at me as I was mad or something. I was so embarrassed I shut my mouth and stayed silent for the rest of the time I've spent outside the school, hoping that girl wasn't in the same class of mine.
Luckily my brother didn't notice what happened, he would have teased me forever if he did.
2) It happened three years ago, I was walking to school and at the same time I was listening to music. I was half way to school when my I-Pod turned off. I was trying to 'adjust it' when I bumped into an old woman who thought I was going to steal her bag and she started hitting me with it screaming at me to stay away from her bag. I tried to tell her it was a mistake, but if I had tried to talk to her she would have killed me with her bag so I decided to run away.
My friends have been teasing me forever because of this. I regret telling them that.
3) This one has happened lately. I was at the mall with my dad and he was getting into a shop and I was walking and looking at the phone. I wasn't looking at all the people around me, bad thing. I was knocked down by a woman and his pushchair. She didn't stop, she just continued walking without looking at me. I was shocked, I went to my dad and told him what happened. His reaction? He started laughing of course.
4) It happened last year, I was walking to school and I was talking to my friend who was walking with me. I swear, I wasn't paying attention to the street, that's why I bumped into a bus stop. Yes, I did. The question is 'how the hell it happened?'. I know, I know. You don't know me though. And
it did hurt so much,
5) This is the last one, I promise. It happened two summers ago, I was in the town where my mother works . I was talking with my friend -while we were walking- when she told my mother was at the window waving at me. I looked at her and kept walking and guess what happened?
Yes, that's exactly what happened: I bumped into a pole. In front of loads of people. It was the most awkward moment ever.
Yes, this is the end of the post. I know you're sad about it, but don't worry! I'm coming with another post before Thursday 18th -I'll tell you why in the other post-
Anyway, I hope you'll like this post!
Let me know in the comment what you think about it, or you can just write me on twitter or on my facebook page!
If you want to, you can also use the hashtag #claudiasdiaries on twitter to let me know what you think.
See you in a couple -or more- days, guys!