Monday, February 10, 2014

Back From Mars

Hello there!
I give up trying to make you forgive me for my absence. I didn't forget my blog - probably most of you don't even care about it- I just had problems as usual (health, school.. )
I'm such a bad blogger.. I'm sorry


New Year's started and as I thought I still haven't done anything from my resolution's list -I actually was pretty sure about it-. I probably have done one or two things from that list, but I can't assure it.
Actually I don't remember what I really did during this month. -it's already been a month since I wrote in this blog.. what a horrible blogger I am-

Anyway, do you remember I told you my Chemistry teacher's changed? Well, I also told you I was sure it wouldn't have lasted for long.. in fact, she's almost the same of the last year.. when she was 'Cruella De Vil' teacher version. She gets angry more often and it's better for you if you're not the guilty one.
Luckily I've never made her angry that's why I'm safe and sound but it's better not to say anything for the moment, no one knows what she can do.


I don't know if I already told you, I can't stand some of my classmates. They're unbearable and they just bother me with their attitude. They act like they know EVERYTHING about every thing and every one. I don't like them when they act like that. They're annoying.
Unfortunately I'll have to stay in the same class of those people for another year - I know I'm cruel, but I hope they'll fail the year.. they don't even study! Well, some of them do study so they won't fail.. ugh- and I promised my friend I'll act like a polite person with them. It means I have to pretend. Well, I am polite most of the time with them but when they start acting like jerks I cannot pretend!
I don't like it but I have to. I don't have other choices, I don't want to fight.


I'm happy school started again only because of my friends - yeah, I am friend with some of my classmates, pretty shocking but real!- however I need a break already and it's only been a month since our teachers started giving us lots of things to do.
I need to sleep for like three weeks, I look like a zombie nowadays.

The only solution to sleep is to be killed. SO PLEASE KILL ME SO I CAN SLEEP.

Of course I'm joking, I'm not going to die because of school -even if it is a good reason to die of desperation- nor I'm going to be killed - well, I hope so haha-

I'm such a negative person, I know.

It feels like I've been on another planet, and it's probably what happened actually. I went to London for three days with my dad to go see my brother who lives in there. It is another planet. Positively talking.
I hate talking about the bad things of my city but London is completely different from it. Better of course, much better.

You can notice I don't really like living in here haha, in fact I just want to go away from this country. I don't like Italy that much. Sad but true.

You know, I've always loved to write stuff, it is one of the reasons I started blogging actually. I've got lots of stories begun in my laptop, because I love to write stories but my problem is I almost ever end them up. They all are incomplete because I'm always out of ideas when it comes the moment I have to finish them.
That's stupidly bad.

Anyway, I'm actually writing a new story. I won't tell anything because I'm still at the beginning and it's better not saying anything or I'll mess it up, as always. I told somebody on Twitter by the way and they said they would read it if it was on the Internet. I don't know if it is true but it'd be amazing, wouldn't it?

There are two other things I wanted to talk about:

Books and a journey I'll do on Saturday.

I just wanted to ask you some advice because I really love to read and I'm out of books, because I actually read all of the books at home so.. if you got any ideas about what book I could read, then write me on Twitter or send me an email or just comment below! It'd be amazing.
I read EVERY type of books, so please help find something good to read!


You know I've been to London two weeks ago and,  guess what?, I'll come back there on Saturday because of my mom's birthday.
I'm already packing things hahaha
My mother's birthday is on Sunday and I have to make her a beautiful gift. I'm not going to say anything, I know she's reading this post. MOM I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE IT AND I HOPE I'LL FINISH IT BEFORE WE GO TO LONDON

It's time to go by now, school tomorrow.
I'll write you soon, don't worry!
I won't go back to Mars ha

Your 'favorite' blogger,

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