Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What A Boring Day!

How are you? Hope you're all good.

I'm fine by the way. And I'm back with another post.

Probably you don't care.

Yes, I know..

That's the true but sad story of my life.

                                                   Story of my life

Anyway, today is Tuesday and I don't know what to do so.. I'm writing this post. -Yeah, I've been doing nothing all the day.-

I think Tuesday is the most boring day of the week.
Just saying.

                                   And it's all about Tuesday if I'm going to talk about Boredom.

Let's hate Tuesday.

In my opinion Boredom is one of the worst things in life. It can be horrible.
I know a person who get's sad or tired when she is bored. And I have to say that it happens sometimes.

I usually get bored when I'm at home alone or when I'm at school listening to some boring explanations.

When I'm at home I usually don't have plans so I get angry or I become nervous -I'm nervous everyday aka I'M ALWAYS BORED- so.. if you don't have good ideas to overcome it, well, don't even speak because I won't be gentle.

Because you have to know that Boredom it's like a killer, it hits you when you don't pay attention.
As I told you, I get bored at school when I listen to some boring stuff.

Surely I'm talking about my Biology teacher.
You have to know that EVERYTIME I talk about something bad of the school.. She's part of it.
It's not all about her by the way. Even other teachers are boring sometimes.
But Biology.. okay it's an interesting subject but it's boring to me.

Let's be honest. Everything about school is boring. Well, not everything but most of it.

But I have to say that even some History explanations are very boring.
I mean, if they're all dead why we have to learn their story?! Why do we have to listen to that boring stuff?
I mean, it's tiring.


Seriously, when my teachers start talking about boring stuff all that I'd like to do is to fall asleep. But unfortunately I can't. They pay attention to it so I just draw or write something in my journal.

When I'm bored all that I'd like to do is fall asleep. But when I do it, I feel like I've lost an important piece of the day and it makes me feel sad about it.

So I use to sleep at night.
Isn't it cute?
I love animals, I love cats haha

Today I've been doing nothing. Seriously. It was the most boring day of my life! 


Okay, I'm going to stop talking about it.

Question of the day: What do you do when you are bored?

Hope you liked it!


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